Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Black Bean Tacos and Pumpkin Dessert...

I think that Noah is going through a growth spurt or something because he has been shoveling the food in like he is eating his last meal and not really fighting bedtime. He was down at 8:00 tonight...I think I shall take a bath and read a book!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Noah the Puppy...

Noah's Uncle Louie gave him a puppy dog towel for bathtime. He started barking when we showed it to him. This picture was taken after tonight's bath.


Noah with the cousins (and his uncles)
Grammy and Papo taking pictures

Driving with Papo
Taking a nap with Papo...


I have not posted an update in a while. I need to upload the most recent pictures (last time I tried I was having problems with the website). We are back in the swing of things after a great Thanksgiving. Cesar, Noah, and I went to visit the McAllen families over our holiday. Noah had a great time playing with his Grammy (whom he calls Nana) and his Papo. I will ask him to say Grammy and he looks and me and says "Nana!". Too funny. I will try to get some picture posted this week. Just wanted to drop a note and say we are still here!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random Noah Pictures...

Noah showing Grammy what he can cook.

Maxin' and relaxin' with Grammy. Cesar and I went on an anniversary weekend stay at a spa. We all had fun!

Noah and Frankie, best friends forever!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Chick-Fil-A Fun...

Noah and I decided that we did not want to cook tonight since Daddy is out of town, so we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Noah had a ball in the play area and we even saw one of his friends from school. The boys got so excited when they recognized each other. It was too cute!

The pictures were taken with my phone, hence the not so great quality!

Halloween Pictures...

Carving Pumpkins

Mommy and Noah making the first cut

Ewww...Can I touch it?

Frankie wants to help too, Dad!

What is inside that thing?

Traditional Pumpkin...maybe next year we will get fancy!

Zoo Boo

Sad, sick Mickey with pink cheeks.

Mickey doesn't feel good.

No smiles for anyone.

The group!

Time to go home...

Noah didn't end up dressing up for Halloween Night since he wasn't feeling good. He did really enjoy looking at all the kids costumes that came to the door. He is feeling 100% better. Last night he was laughing and running around like he had all the energy in the world. So nice to have my Noah back!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Back to normal? I still have not posted pictures from Halloween. We are finally getting back to our normal routine (I hope). Noah still has a cough and congestion, but he is more back to himself. The steroid he was put on for the croup made him a different person...he was almost unbearable to be around! We did have to take him in to the doctor yesterday because he started running a fever again and didn't sleep well Saturday night. He has an ear infection, so he is now on an antibiotic. He can handle the antibiotic, but that steroid was horrible! He was my sweet boy again yesterday.

Here are a few of Noah's favorite words (I am trying to spell them as close to the actual pronunciation as possible):

Blankie - Bankey
Paci - Packey
Milk - TuckAH (this one has not changed)
Bread - Bed
Bubble - bubBULL
Mouse (as in Mickey) - Mouw
Meow or Cat - Mouw
Waffle - Wahwah

Maybe I'll post pictures tonight?

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Well, I know I am a slacker. I have not posted Halloween pictures yet. Hey, I have a good excuse. Noah has the croup. He doesn't feel well and hasn't been sleeping worth a darn. We were supposed to go out of town this weekend for Cesar's cousin's wedding, but we have now had a change of plans. Since I have been home with Noah (Cesar stayed home with him this morning until I could get back), I have learned a bit more of what he knows...he told me for the first time today that he had "poo-poo". Wow! He also knows how to count "2, 2, 2, 2". Pretty cute.

I will try to get the Halloween pictures posted this weekend!