Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Little Halloween Preview...

Here is a snapshot of Noah trick-or-treating from Cesar's phone (or pone as Noah calls it). He went to about 6 houses and then we camped out in the front yard to hand out candy to all the kiddos. When someone walked up to us he would say "What doing?" or "Wow" or "Look more people". He ate a little bit of candy and really enjoyed every bite!

--Love, the O's

Monday, October 22, 2007

Noah tidbits...

So Noah is constantly making Cesar and me laugh with his sayings and antics. Here are a few Noah tidbits:

*Noah now pretends to be a baby. He says "Mamamama", "Babababa" and crawls around on the floor. When he gets to me he pulls my pants and throws his arms up in the air for me to pick him up. He then says "Do wok a by". This means he wants me to hold him like a baby (cradle hold) and sing Rock a By Baby while swinging him violently.

*Noah does a happy face, a sad face, and now (as of this weekend) a silly face that makes us all laugh.

*He asked me "Why?" for the first time the other day. So it begins...The conversation when like this:
(Noah walking to the garage door through the laundry room)
April: Noah, please wait. We are not ready to get in the car yet. I am waiting for your waffle to pop up.
Noah: Why?
April: Well...Did you want to take a waffle in the car with you on the way to school?
Noah: O-tay (OK)
April: Noah, are you going to eat another waffle?
Noah: Yep! I wan a waffle.

*Noah is into shortening words up. For instance he now say "Uh-huh" for yes (I really detest this and we are trying to get back to at least "Yes" if not "Yes, mommy" or "Yes, daddy"). He says "Thanks" instead of "Thanks you".

*I now get to be Mommy instead of Mama.

*The most fun game lately is Find Noah. It is usually played in our bathroom when I am getting dressed in the morning or when he is about to take a bath in the evening. He goes in the linen closet and says "Find Noah". I rant and rave about not knowing where Noah is and how I can't find him. He laughs. I say I can hear him but can't see him. Then he jumps out screaming and laughing. I say Oh look there he is. He says "Find Noah adin". Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Noah is at such a fun age right now. Cesar and I are so blessed to have him. He brings a smile to my face just thinking about him.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Pumpkin Patch (very picture heavy!)...

Saturday (10/13) we went to the Ford Family Farm ( for October Pumpkin Days. Noah had a blast running around and geting rides. There were 2 rides, a hay maze, a hay fort to climb on, face painting, and pumpkins. We were there for almost 2 hours. Noah and Cesar picked out pumpkins and Noah got a spider tat! I think his favorite was getting to "Rive" the tractor. He is such a little boy!

Cousin Leah's Birthday Party

Cesar's cousin Leah had a birthday party on Friday (10/12) at Pump It Up. Noah had a blast and conned his Uncle Luke into taking him on the huge slide when Mommy was too tired (after going down the slide quite a bit). As soon as he would get down the slide he would say "Adin, adin!". He had so much fun. Not to mention, he got to eat pizza and a cupcake too.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Noah Update...

I am very recently struck by the fact that my son knows "things" that I don't know he knows. For instance, last night I was laying in his bed with him and we were singing songs. I decided to sing "Jesus Loves Me" to him and he joined right in! I thought he might know parts of the song, but he knew all the words and continued to sing it several times.


Noah has also started this habit of talking about his grandparents right before going to sleep (Nana, Dooda, Grammy, and Papo). The other night he was spouting their names and I said "Let's say a prayer for our grandparents". He clapped his hands together and started saying,
"God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our pood (food)"
There is a second verse that goes something like this (from what I could understand)
"By His hands we are fed, Thank you for our daily bread"
This next part caught me by surprise (and gave me quite a chuckle)
In Jesus name, Amen.
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus
I --- Love --- Jesus!!! YEA (there are hand and arm movements and cheering)

He proceeded to say this prayer 3 times before I told him we needed to pray with Daddy (I thought Cesar really needed to hear it). I'm going to try to get it on video, but you know how that works...he doesn't do his tricks on command!


This morning at 5:30am Noah woke up crying and Cesar went in to his room. He was out of bed and walking towards the door. Cesar asked if he was okay and he said "I pall out beh". Cesar put him back in bed and said lets go back to sleep and he said "No sleep" and started snoring. I asked him when he got up for the day if he fell out of bed and he said yes and pointed over the side of the bed and giggled. Thank goodness he doesn't have far to fall. (His bed is a mattress and box spring on the floor).


Cesar and I have a Jack Vettriano Print on the wall in our room. It's called Dance Me to the End of Love" (I think). There are two figures, male and female, dancing in fog on what looks like a beach to me. Noah will point to it and say "Daddy, Mama. Where Wowah?" He has realized that he is part of the family unit and that he is missing from the picture! Of course if you walk into the family room the wall looks like a Noah Gallery and you start to wonder if the kid on the wall has parents. Where Daddy and Mama? Ha!


Some words as Noah pronounces them:
Pood (food)
Pinger (finger)
Pea Pan (Peter Pan)
Be Carful (Be Careful)
Duhn Pall (Don't fall)
I do it (self explanatory)