Monday, January 29, 2007

Dooda visits...

Dooda came to visit Noah (and Cesar and me) this weekend. We had a lazy weekend of playing and watching movies. Saturday we went on a visit to BabiesRUs for a potty (more on that later!). We have not been there in ages and they have added a photographer in the store. Dooda thought it would be fun to get his picture with Noah! Below are the pictures that were taken. So cute!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Weekend Visitors...

This weekend we had some visitors. Cesar's mom and aunt came up on Saturday and his cousin (that is 1 mos older than Noah) came on Sunday. We babysat for Bree on Sunday and the kiddos played really well together. We spent some quality time outside for the sun's first appearance in 2 weeks. It was great! Below are some shots of the kids outside.

Headshots...Any autographs?

Noah (maxin') and Bree on a wagon ride.

Super Grammy (Aunt Debbie)!

We all fall down...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ice Days...

Monday was a holiday for Noah (Cesar and I did not have it off) and Tuesday and Wednesday were ice days. So, since Cesar is on the Emergency team at work, he still went to work while I stayed home with the boy. By last night Noah and I had had enough of each other...we were going stir crazy! Over the course of the two days we watched Mickey Mouse, colored in his coloring books, read a ton of books, knocked icicles off of the grill, stomped on icy grass to hear the crunch, made chocolate chip cookies to sent to work with Daddy, and built a fort in the breakfast room. Below is Noah enjoying his fort (the enjoy part came after he learned to duck his head to get in). We are all glad to be back to work and school!

Visit with the Wallines...

Cesar, Noah, and I went to visit the Wallines the first weekend in January. Noah had so much fun playing with Kenneth and Evelyn. They were both very patient with him! I know he really enjoyed his time there (so did Mommy...Erin and I got to go see a movie at the movie theatrer! I can't remember the last movie I saw at the actual theater). On Sunday we went to the park to feed the ducks and play on the playground. The picture of Evelyn and Noah on the slide was taken by Kenneth...he is quite the photographer!

Christmas Vacation

Playing Ball or pick! Noah is getting good at saying "Cheese" to the camera.
Grammy, Papo, Carlos, Josh, and Luis came for a visit New Years weekend.

Fun at the Fluker's House...They have cool outside toys to play with. We joined our fellow Aggies to watch the game on December 28. Let's not talk about the outcome of that game!